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Sep 8, 20244 min read
Will Guyton-Klinger guardrails allow me to withdraw 7% a year?
Do Guyton-Klinger guardrails allow us to take 7% from our portfolio from the first decade of retirement? Does a cash buffer help?

May 26, 20246 min read
The most efficient way to blow up your retirement plan
In a perfect world, retirees would hold diversified portfolios, pay low fees and not misbehave. How might things look in an imperfect world?

May 17, 20245 min read
Living too long - how bad is it for your retirement plan?
People are living longer. How might you have to alter your retirement lifestyle if you are worried that you might live longer than planned?

May 15, 20243 min read
Happy first birthday to Pyrford Financial Planning!
Pyrford Financial Planning is one year old! We say a few thank yous and discuss why it's a great time to run a financial planning firm.

Apr 2, 20243 min read
Increasing client engagement with the One-Page Financial Plan
The One-Page Financial Plan is a high-level summary of the underlying financial plan. Read how we tweaked the process to increase engagement

Feb 22, 20244 min read
Does holding a cash buffer solve Sequence of Returns Risk?
Cash buffers are often suggested as a way of mitigating Sequence of Returns Risk. Do they work, or are they more of a chocolate teapot?

Feb 16, 20243 min read
How much do I need to save for a moderate retirement in 2024?
How much does a retiree need to save for a moderate retirement? And why a larger retirement pot doesn't always provide the best outcomes.

Feb 15, 20247 min read
How much do I need to save for a comfortable retirement in 2024?
A comfortable retirement for a couple is believed to now cost around £59,000 a year. What size retirement pot do you need to fund this?

Feb 10, 20243 min read
D.I.Why? When financial advice costs less than Doing It Yourself
Our retirement planning offering can often be more cost-effective than managing retirement on a D.I.Y. basis. We look at a recent example.

Jan 18, 20243 min read
Ten tips for investing success in 2024
Investing is simple but not easy. We identify ten things to consider that will help you have a better retirement outcome in 2024.

Jan 3, 20247 min read
7 questions to help you find the right financial adviser in 2024
Choosing the right financial adviser to help with your retirement planning is one of the most important decisions you will make.

Jan 3, 202414 min read
How much does financial advice cost (and am I getting good value?) Updated for 2024
We help you calculate what you are paying for your retirement planning and financial advice and whether you are getting good value.

Dec 21, 20235 min read
Ten reasons why we might not be the right financial adviser for you
There is often a perception that a financial adviser will accept anyone who gets in touch with them. This is not always the case.

Dec 4, 202310 min read
St James Place: Fees, performance, and what you should be asking
Reports of St James Place's poor performance and high fees regularly feature in the press. Is this criticism justified?

Dec 2, 20232 min read
Pyrford Financial Planning is granted CISI Chartered Firmâ„¢ status
Pyrford Financial Planning is now a CISI Chartered Firmâ„¢. Why obtaining this designation is important to us and our clients.

Sep 17, 20234 min read
Investment management is commoditised
We believe the "investment problem" has been solved, but this doesn't mean that the financial adviser's role is redundant.

Sep 16, 20235 min read
What potential clients often think we do versus what we actually do
Potential clients often come to us with questions about their pensions and investments. Retirement planning covers many other areas.

Sep 12, 20235 min read
Why we don't offer one-off financial planning and advice
We don't offer one-off financial planning and advice, believing the value of financial planning is maximised with an ongoing relationship.

Dec 4, 20213 min read
One-Page Financial Plan - what is it and how can it help with retirement planning?
The one-page financial plan helps you distil your goals and action points into a concise format, enabling retirees to focus on what matters.

Nov 17, 20211 min read
'Planning for retirement: Your guide to financial freedom' shortlisted for an award.
Noel's book, 'Planning for Retirement: Your guide to financial freedom' has been nominated for an award by Investing Reviews!

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