Retirement Income Planning
We specialise in creating a sustainable retirement income, giving you the confidence to spend money in retirement without fear of running out of money.

When building a retirement plan and establishing a retirement income, there are many things to consider, including
1. The cost of your desired lifestyle.
2. The assets and future income you have that will support this desired lifestyle.
3. The investment risks you are happily taking.
4. The investment risks you need to take to ensure your retirement plan is a success.
5. The impact of fees and taxation and how these can be minimised.
6. How your spending might change as you move through retirement.
7. How your spending and income might change if one spouse dies prematurely.
8. The flexibility you are prepared to accept with your retirement income, which can be influenced by market volatility.
9. Whether you intend to gift to your children.
10. Whether you intend to leave a legacy.
Nobel prize-winning economist stated that retirement planning was the "nastiest, hardest problem in finance"
Solving this problem is our passion! Noel has written a book on retirement planning, and we have continued our retirement planning research in our blog.
We continue to refine our processes as we help our clients transition through this key life stage and have access to the best retirement planning tools and software. ​​​​​​​​​​